The programs of BTCC reflect its mission – “Building the Community.” In addressing the needs of residents in the communities served by BTCC, the impact of the pandemic has been front and center.

Think of the senior who often had regular visits from grandchildren, looked forward to weekly visits to her local senior community center and eagerly anticipated an annual family reunion, but due to the continuing pandemic and its critical impacts, still experiences isolation and restricted activities. Can you imagine how that senior would feel when she learned how to send emails, seek information on the internet and participate in Zoom calls with family? What would it mean to that senior to be given seeds to grow herbs in her kitchen as a new hobby?

Imagine a resident of Homewood who wants to do the right thing during the pandemic but is scared that he will be a guinea pig for government experiments (he thinks of the Tuskegee Experiment). What would it mean for that neighbor to hear from African American physicians about Covid and its prevention and treatment?

BTC Center Food Pantries

Monthly BTC Food Pantry

Homewood is a food desert, meaning many of our neighbors cannot easily access a grocery store, whether due to financial constraints or lack of transportation. BTCC’s Food Pantry distributes food and paper supplies each month, acting as a safety net to over 150 families.

We provide fresh dairy products, produce, meat, fish, healthy recipes and a cookbook geared to prevent or address diabetes.

Full Food Pantry Distribution:
Monthly 4th Saturday, 8:30am -10:30am

Emergency Food Pantry

As the community demand for food has increased, BTCC has continued to grow. With help from the United Way of Southwestern Pennsylvania, we launched an emergency food pantry (EFP) for non-perishable foods on Saturdays when the regular Food Pantry is not operating.

The EFP can be opened off hours when needed (a hot line is in operation) and food delivery can be arranged, if necessary.

Emergency Food Pantry:
1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th Saturdays 10:00am – 12:00pm

Both Food Pantry are contracted affiliates of the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank.

BTCC is actively seeking volunteers as well as funding.


Computer Training for Seniors

BTCC offers computer literacy classes for seniors. The classes instruct on basic skills, provide guidance in how to research the internet to access information and instruct on how to use the meeting platform Zoom. The computer classes fill a deficit that must be erased for seniors to cope with the growing use of virtual services and to connect to the community despite isolation and reduced contact with family and friends.

BTCC has held classes with several senior citizen residences and spaces in and around the Homewood-Brushton Community including:

Participants in these classes were provided with a text book specifically written for seniors.

Check back for more information on future classes.

Community Garden

Planted in Homewood (PiH) is our community garden which serves to provide gardeners (of all ages) with access to fresh foods, exercise, and tips on healthy food preparation. The garden is currently under renovations including updated garden beds and the addition of lights and security cameras. BTC Center is currently searching for a garden project leader and volunteer recruitment is underway for a successful 2025.

Previous activities include:

  • Playdate for Autism: Children and adults participated in sensory specific garden activities led by certified therapists.
  • BTCC Food Pantry Distribution: Over 60 bags of produce were distributed from the garden’s harvest.
  • 1st Step Recovery Home: Substance recovery program participants visited the garden to experience urban gardening and learn about healthy eating choices.
  • Free Community Dinner: A Memorial Day celebration included dishes made with produce from the garden.
  • Grow Pittsburgh: Teens volunteers joined us for hands on learning. We hope they will become regular Garden volunteers.
  • Vegetable Pot Distribution: Over 80 potted plants were distributed to senior citizens in the community.
  • Faison Elementary School: 50 students in grades 1-3 received bookbags that included seeds, soil, grow pods and gardening information.

Healthy Living Webinars

Dr. Michael Forbes, M.D. facilitated a three-part virtual health education series. The first topic that Dr. Forbes spoke about in the series was Personal and Public Health with a focus on vaccine hesitancy in the Black Community.

The second topic was a discussion of Diet, Lifestyle and Health Intersection. The final session in this series was a program exploring mental health considerations in the continued COVID pandemic. We were delighted to welcome Dr. Forbes, one of our most popular speakers, back to speak on palliative and hospice care and the differences between the two.

Participants acknowledged that they never knew the differences and felt better prepared to make decisions for themselves and loved ones. Lastly, Dr. Forbes presented on the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) which can be serious for infants and seniors, lessons learned from the pandemic and tips for prevention.

Rev. Dr. Lawana Butler, PhD facilitated a session for women only on the topic of Domestic Violence/Intimate Partner Violence. This October 2021 program was in recognition of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Participants received community resource information, for those who may need services and support beyond the session.

A 2022 Health Screening Event and COVID & Flu Vaccination Event offered community residents flu and COVID vaccination and booster shots, as well as blood pressure screenings. Community partners for this event included Alma Illery Health Center, Bethany Christian Ministry, Allegheny Health Network and Rite Aid.

A 2023 Vaccination Event offered a wide variety of vaccinations. Community partners included Bethany Christian Ministry, Giant Eagle Pharmacy, Rite Aid, Neighborhood Resilience Project and PA United Against Covid.

Dr. Rhonda M. Johnson, M.D., MPH facilitated a session on the topic of Surviving COVID-19. Content covered in this educational program included the changing landscape of COVID-19, symptoms, transmission, prevention, and an overview of COVID variants.

Reverend Clayton Walker facilitated a session on the topic of Men and Domestic Violence. This educational program was for men only and addressed the psychosocial dynamics and cultural and gender issues in addressing domestic violence

Rev. Dr. De Neice Welch facilitated an in-person Grief Workshop for the community with a focus on outreach to people who have lost loved ones due to community violence.

Michele Andwele, Senior Director Arthritis Foundation, facilitated a presentation sponsored by the national organization on Arthritis Is Not Color Blind-Heavy Burden, Powerful Solutions for Communities of Color. The program content included a review of the following topics: common types of arthritis, diagnosis, self- management strategies in pain control and use of non-drug therapies, partnering with health care providers, symptom management and health goal setting in managing arthritis.

Operation Better Block presented on Wills and Other Important Documents as part of its outreach to community residents rising from a partnership with Duquesne University’s School of Law Pro Bono Program. An offer was extended to all participants who needed a will or power of attorney to contact the Operation Better Block for a referral.

Mr. Roland J. Criswell of Coston’s Funeral Home presented on funeral pre-planning tips and steps for planning for burial when a loved one passes. The program was very well received and many questions were asked and answered.

Gail Brown, a licensed Notary Public, highlighted important legal documents such as wills, trusts, affidavits, and power of attorney documents, and advised on notary services and the importance of a notary in the witness and signing of important documents. Mrs. Brown was accompanied by an attorney to respond to any legal questions.

For those approaching Medicare renewal or registration, Mrs. Valda Braziel, a Medicare consultant, presented at a workshop.

BTCC collaborated with the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority to promote and support its webinar on Imaging Technologies to Detect Breast Cancer.